Above ground pool

Above Ground Pool Shapes and Sizes

Dreaming of cool summer dips in your backyard haven? An above ground pool might be your perfect solution! But hold on, before you dive headfirst into choosing one, there are a few things to consider.

We’re talking shapes and sizes, folks! This article will be your one-stop guide to navigating the exciting world of above ground pool options. We’ll unveil the pros and cons of different shapes, explore the impact of size on your experience, and help you find the perfect fit for your backyard and budget. So, grab your metaphorical pool float, and let’s get ready to make a splash into above ground pool paradise!

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Above Ground Pool Shapes – List of Shapes

When it comes to above-ground pools, the shapes you choose can greatly affect the aesthetic appeal, functionality, and even the ease of maintenance of your pool. Let’s explore a list of shapes that are commonly found or considered for above-ground pools:

  1. Round
  2. Oval
  3. Rectangular
  4. Square
  5. Octagonal
  6. Hexagonal
  7. Kidney
  8. Custom Shapes

Each shape comes with its own set of advantages, from ease of installation to aesthetic appeal and utility. Round and oval pools are typically easier to set up and maintain, while rectangular and other angular shapes can provide more space for laps and structured activities. Custom shapes allow for personalization but can increase the complexity and cost of installation. No matter what shape you choose, an above-ground pool can be a fantastic addition to your outdoor living space, providing a cool respite during hot summer days.

Why is Shape Important – Should You go for Round, Oval, Rectangular, or Square Pools?

Choosing the right shape for your above-ground pool goes beyond aesthetics; it affects functionality, fit in your backyard, and maintenance. Let’s break down the significance of each shape to see which might be the best match for you.

Importance of Pool Shapes

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Round Pools: Ideal for families and social gatherings, round pools offer a unified space where everyone can join in the fun. Their circular design helps in evenly distributing water pressure, which can enhance the pool’s durability. Plus, the absence of corners makes for simpler, more straightforward maintenance. A round pool is a go-to for those seeking a blend of practicality and communal enjoyment.

Oval Pools: Oval pools are a fantastic middle ground for those wanting the social aspect of round pools but with a bit more room for activities like laps. They fit well in elongated backyards and provide ample space without sacrificing aesthetic appeal. While requiring a bit more structure for support, their elongated shape offers versatility for both leisure and fitness swimming.

Rectangular Pools: Embodying a classic pool design, rectangular pools are perfect for lap swimmers and those looking for a more traditional pool experience. This shape maximizes swimming space and fits efficiently into many yard layouts, especially narrower ones. They can be a bit more demanding in terms of maintenance due to their corners, but they offer a timeless look and ample room for exercise and play.

Square Pools: Square pools provide a modern, geometric aesthetic that can complement contemporary outdoor spaces. While offering less room for swimming laps than rectangular pools, they make efficient use of space and can fit neatly into smaller yards. Their distinct shape adds a unique visual element to your backyard, making them a stylish choice for those with limited space.

Octagonal Pools: Combining the communal feel of round pools with the added space of angular designs, octagonal pools are visually appealing and functional. They offer a unique alternative to traditional shapes, allowing for both social interactions and enjoyable swimming. Their multiple sides offer a compromise between the ease of maintenance of round pools and the space efficiency of rectangular ones.

Kidney-Shaped Pools: Kidney-shaped pools bring a natural, organic look to your backyard, reminiscent of a natural pond or lake. This shape is aesthetically pleasing and blends seamlessly with landscaped gardens, providing a more natural swimming experience. While they might require custom construction and potentially more complex maintenance, their unique form creates a tranquil and inviting outdoor retreat.

Custom Shapes: For those who desire a pool that truly reflects their personal style or needs to fit an irregularly shaped yard, custom-shaped pools are the answer. Whether you’re looking for a pool that mimics a specific design, fits into a uniquely shaped space, or incorporates specific features, custom pools offer limitless possibilities. They require careful planning and potentially higher costs but result in a truly personalized and distinctive swimming experience.

Each pool shape has its unique benefits, catering to different preferences, yard sizes, and uses. Whether you prioritize easy maintenance, fitness swimming, aesthetic appeal, or a specific fit within your outdoor space, there’s a pool shape out there that’s perfect for you.

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Above Ground Pools – A Buying Guide

20 Types of Pools

Why is the Structural Strength of Round Pools Better Than Other Shapes?

The structural strength of round pools often stands out as superior when compared to other shapes, and there are some pretty neat science and engineering principles behind why that’s the case. Let’s dive into the details.

Points of Advantage

Even Pressure Distribution: First up, think about the design of a round pool. Its circular shape naturally distributes water pressure evenly across the walls. This means there’s no single point where pressure is excessively concentrated, which can be a common issue in pools with corners or straight edges. In those angular pools, certain areas bear more stress, leading to potential weak spots over time. But in a round pool, that stress gets spread out, helping the structure to maintain its integrity and potentially last longer.

Arch Principle: Another key point is the principle of arches and curves, which have been used in architecture and engineering for thousands of years because of their strength. The circular shape of a round pool acts like an arch in all directions, supporting itself and resisting external pressures, such as soil movement or heavy loads like snow on a pool cover. This self-supporting nature reduces the risk of structural failure.

Simplified Construction: The construction of round pools often requires fewer support materials than angular pools. Since the pressure is evenly distributed, there’s less need for additional supports to reinforce corners or straight sections. This not only makes round pools more cost-effective in some cases but also contributes to their overall structural integrity.

Lastly, the simplicity of the design of round pools makes them more resilient to the rigors of installation and long-term use. Without complex shapes or configurations, there are fewer points of failure, making them a durable choice for many homeowners.

In summary, the structural strength of round pools is a testament to the power of simplicity and the clever use of physical principles. Their ability to evenly distribute pressure, coupled with the inherent strength of curves and the efficiency of their design, makes them a robust and lasting choice for backyard swimming fun.

Points of Concern

  • Space Utilization: While structurally advantageous, round pools might not make the most efficient use of available yard space, especially in rectangular or irregularly shaped yards where fitting a circular pool can be challenging.
  • Limited Size Options: Those looking for a pool to swim laps or engage in specific water games may find the circular design restrictive compared to elongated shapes.

Space Requirements for Rectangular, Oval, and Square-Shaped Pools

Rectangular Pools:

Frame support
  • Advantages: Ideal for lap swimming and structured pool games, rectangular pools maximize the usable swim area and can efficiently use space in narrow yards. They also fit well with traditional landscaping and pool designs, offering a classic aesthetic.
  • Disadvantages: The corners and straight edges of rectangular pools can create high-stress points where structural integrity might be compromised over time. Additionally, they may require more complex support structures to maintain shape and withstand water pressure.

Oval Pools:

  • Advantages: Oval pools offer a compromise between the communal nature of round pools and the functionality of rectangular pools, providing space for laps and group activities without requiring as much room as a rectangular pool. They can also fit more naturally into certain yard shapes.
  • Disadvantages: Like rectangular pools, oval pools need additional support to maintain their shape, which can complicate installation. Their shape may also present challenges in maximizing space usage in certain yard layouts.

Square Pools:

  • Advantages: Square pools provide a modern, geometric look that can complement contemporary garden designs. They make efficient use of space in small, square yards or as part of a larger landscape design.
  • Disadvantages: Similar to rectangular pools, the corners of square pools can be stress points that affect the pool’s structural integrity. Additionally, their shape might not be as conducive to activities like lap swimming.

Different Sizes of Above Ground Pools and Their Limitations

Above-ground pools come in a variety of sizes, each with its own set of advantages and limitations. Understanding these can help you make the best choice for your space, budget, and lifestyle. Here’s a breakdown of common sizes and their potential limitations:

Small Pools (12 to 18 feet diameter for round, 12×24 feet for oval)


  • Ideal for limited spaces or smaller backyards.
  • Lower initial cost and less expensive to maintain.
  • Easier and quicker to install.


  • Limited swimming area, not suitable for laps or large gatherings.
  • Can quickly feel crowded with more than a few users.
  • Fewer features and options compared to larger pools.

Medium Pools (20 to 24 feet diameter for round, 16×32 feet for oval)


  • Balances size and manageability, offering more space for swimming and play.
  • Still fits in most suburban backyards without overwhelming the space.
  • More options for accessories and pool features.


  • Higher maintenance costs and more time-consuming upkeep than small pools.
  • Requires more water, chemicals, and energy to maintain.
  • Installation costs are higher due to increased size.

Large Pools (above 24 feet diameter for round, 18×33 feet and up for oval)


  • Spacious enough for laps, games, and large gatherings.
  • Offers the most options for accessories, like diving boards and slides.
  • Enhances the aesthetic appeal of a large backyard.


  • Significant initial investment in installation.
  • High maintenance costs, including cleaning, chemicals, and heating.
  • Requires substantial space, limiting its suitability for many properties.
  • Can be challenging and time-consuming to install, possibly requiring professional help.

General Limitations Across Sizes:

  • Space Requirements: All sizes require a level surface, which may necessitate landscaping work before installation. Larger pools have stricter requirements due to their size and weight.
  • Depth limitations: Above ground pools typically max out at a depth of around 54 inches (4.5 feet). This is because the structural support system weakens as the walls get higher. Diving is not recommended in above ground pools due to the shallow depth.
  • Maintenance limitations: Larger pools mean more water to treat and clean. This translates to higher costs for chemicals, cleaning supplies, and electricity to run the filtration system. You’ll also need to dedicate more time to maintaining a larger pool.
  • Local Regulations: Some regions have specific regulations regarding pool size, fencing, and safety features. Larger pools may trigger additional requirements.
  • Accessibility and Safety: Larger pools might require additional safety features, such as ladders and fencing, which can add to the overall cost and complexity of installation.
  • Aesthetic Considerations: While a large pool can be a stunning centerpiece for your yard, it’s important that it harmonizes with your existing landscape design. A pool that’s too large for the space can dominate the yard, reducing green space and potentially impacting the overall aesthetic.

Choosing the right size for your above-ground pool involves weighing these limitations against your personal needs and preferences. Consider how you plan to use the pool, who will be using it, and how much time and resources you’re willing to dedicate to its maintenance. A well-chosen pool can provide years of enjoyment, making it worth the effort to select the size that best matches your lifestyle and space.

For a deeper dive into the differences between round and rectangular above ground pools, click here: https://poolsntubs.com/round-vs-rectangular-above-ground-pool/

Why is Size Important?

The size of an above-ground pool is a crucial factor that significantly impacts various aspects of pool ownership, from initial installation costs to long-term maintenance. Understanding why size matters can help you make a more informed decision when selecting an above-ground pool. Here are several key reasons:

  1. Installation Costs: Initially, the size of the pool directly affects the installation cost. Larger pools require more materials, such as the pool liner, frame, and possibly a larger filtering system, which can increase the overall price. Additionally, preparing a larger area of your yard for installation might involve more extensive landscaping work, further elevating costs.
  2. Maintenance Costs and Time: The size of your pool also plays a significant role in ongoing maintenance costs and the time involved. Larger pools contain more water, which requires more chemicals to keep the water clean and balanced. This not only increases the cost of chemicals but also the frequency of purchases. Moreover, cleaning a larger pool takes more time, whether you’re doing it yourself or hiring a professional, potentially adding to the cost if you opt for the latter.
  3. Energy Usage: Heating and filtering a larger pool requires more energy. Bigger pools need more powerful pumps and heaters to circulate and warm the water effectively, leading to higher electricity or gas bills.
  4. Space Utilization: The size of your pool should complement the size of your yard. A pool that’s too large can overwhelm a small yard, leaving little room for other activities or elements of landscape design. Conversely, a small pool in a large yard might look out of place. The right-sized pool balances with your outdoor space, enhancing its overall appeal and functionality.
  5. Family Size and Use: The size of your pool should match your family’s needs and how you plan to use it. Larger families or those who enjoy hosting pool parties will likely benefit from a larger pool. If the pool is primarily for relaxation or for a small family, a smaller size might be more appropriate, reducing maintenance and energy costs.
  6. Resale Value: Though not the primary concern for everyone, the size of your pool can affect your home’s resale value. A pool that’s proportionate to the yard and meets the general expectations of potential buyers in your area might make your home more appealing. However, an overly large pool that dominates the yard could deter buyers concerned about maintenance and costs.

In summary, choosing the right size for an above-ground pool is about finding a balance. It’s important to consider not only the upfront and ongoing costs but also how the pool will fit into your lifestyle and space. A well-chosen pool size can enhance your enjoyment of your outdoor space, provide a welcome retreat during the summer months, and ensure that maintenance remains manageable both in terms of time and finances.

How Size Influences Your Above Ground Pool Experience?

The size of your above-ground pool significantly shapes your swimming experience, influencing everything from the types of activities you can enjoy to how you maintain the pool. Let’s dive into how size impacts various aspects of your above-ground pool experience.

Space for Activities

  • Small Pools: Perfect for cooling off and relaxing, small pools are great for younger families or those with limited space. However, they’re not ideal for swimming laps or hosting large pool parties.
  • Medium Pools: These offer a nice middle ground, providing enough space for games and moderate swimming activities. They can accommodate small groups comfortably, making them suitable for family gatherings.
  • Large Pools: With ample room for laps, water volleyball, and more, large pools are excellent for serious swimmers and those who love to entertain. The expansive size allows for a wide range of activities and larger gatherings.

Maintenance Effort and Costs

  • Small Pools: Easier and less expensive to maintain, requiring fewer chemicals and less water to keep clean. The smaller volume also means heating is more efficient if desired.
  • Medium Pools: These strike a balance in maintenance requirements. While more costly and time-consuming to maintain than small pools, they’re still manageable for most homeowners.
  • Large Pools: The maintenance of large pools can be significantly more demanding, both in terms of time and expense. Larger volumes of water require more chemicals, more extensive filtering systems, and potentially more sophisticated cleaning equipment.

Installation and Initial Costs

  • Small Pools: Generally, the least expensive option when it comes to initial costs, including installation. Their compact size allows for easier, quicker setup.
  • Medium Pools: With a moderate increase in costs for installation and initial setup, medium pools offer a good balance for those wanting more space without a huge price tag.
  • Large Pools: The most expensive option, not just in terms of the pool itself but also installation. Preparing a larger area of land and the need for more materials can significantly increase upfront costs.

Impact on Property

  • Small Pools: Their compact nature means they’re less likely to overwhelm a small backyard, leaving space for other uses and possibly avoiding strict zoning regulations.
  • Medium Pools: While still manageable, they start to have a more noticeable presence in your yard. It’s important to consider the balance between pool size and available green space.
  • Large Pools: Can transform your backyard into a focal point of your property, enhancing its appeal but also requiring considerable space. In some cases, large pools can affect property values, either positively by adding appeal or negatively by limiting potential buyers.

Suitability for Families and Lifestyles

  • Small Pools: Ideal for families with young children or adults looking for a place to relax rather than engage in vigorous swimming activities.
  • Medium Pools: A versatile option that can cater to families as they grow and their needs change, accommodating both play and exercise.
  • Large Pools: Best suited for families with older children, avid swimmers, or those who often entertain guests, offering something for everyone.

In essence, the size of your above-ground pool dictates not just the initial investment and ongoing upkeep but also how you and your family will enjoy it. Whether you’re lounging, playing, or swimming laps, choosing the right size pool ensures you get the most out of your backyard oasis.


In conclusion, while round pools offer significant structural benefits due to their even pressure distribution and inherent strength, the choice of shape also depends on individual space requirements and usage preferences. Rectangular, oval, and square-shaped pools each have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, from efficient space usage and suitability for certain activities to potential structural concerns that need to be addressed during installation and maintenance.

The durability and structural integrity of your above ground pool depend more on the chosen materials, reinforcement techniques, and proper installation rather than solely on its shape. So, while round pools might benefit from a natural advantage in pressure distribution, modern designs ensure other shapes can be equally strong if built with quality materials and proper engineering.

The size of your above-ground pool profoundly influences your overall pool experience, shaping everything from the pool’s functionality to its maintenance requirements and how it integrates with your backyard space. Whether you opt for a small, medium, or large pool, each choice comes with its unique set of considerations that can impact your enjoyment and use of the pool.

Small pools are perfect for those with limited space or who prefer a more intimate setting for relaxation and cooling off.

Medium-sized pools strike a balance, providing enough room for more extensive swimming activities and moderate gatherings without the hefty maintenance demands of larger pools.

Large pools, while requiring significant investment and upkeep, offer the most in terms of recreational opportunities.

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